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Jurassic Park Part 2 the Chaos Continues Dinosaur Figures

Retro Review: Jurassic Park 2: The Chaos Continues (SNES)

Released a few months before Michael Crichton's The Lost World novel, The Chaos Continues gave Jurassic Park fans their first glimpse of what a sequel to Spielberg's masterpiece might be like - and boy howdy is it a wild ride!

The background behind The Chaos Continues concerns a sinister genetics company, BioSyn, attempting to steal dinosaurs from the island for use in their own knock off version of Jurassic Park, and Alan Grant (Sam Neill's character from the original movie) is sent in to stop them. How? Well, as a palaeontologist who has survived the island and its ferocious denizens once before, one would expect him to engage in covert tactical espionage and try to outsmart his opponents. Instead, though, he gathers his gun and decides to take on BioSyn's army head-on in an overt show of force and a hail of bullets. What follows is complete and utter lunacy.

jp2 chaos continues flamethrower

Flamethrowers - good for killing your enemies, clearing out detritus and helping animals that have gotten stuck in a tree.

A side-scrolling 'run and gun' style game, akin to Contra and Metal Slug, you play as Grant (if you have a friend to play some co-op with, he is joined by Sergeant Wolfskin) running around the jungle shooting up pretty much anything that moves, be it man, dinosaur or massive flying dragonfly (a neat homage to a section of the Jurassic Park novel). Tonally speaking, it really couldn't be a whole lot further removed from the original Jurassic Park book or film. To give you an idea of how zany this game gets, here is a list of some of the bosses you will fight along the way:

  • A Tyrannosaurus rex - so far, so standard Jurassic Park game fodder.
  • A helicopter that's main attack is to swing a big cage which is attached to the end of a chain at you - a little more 'out there for sure.
  • A seven-foot-tall Arnold Schwarzenegger type guy armed with a flamethrower - eh....?

Outside of strange boss fights, some of the set pieces in The Chaos Continues are utterly bonkers. At one point, you find yourself navigating the cavernous interior of a highly active volcano, looking to plant a bomb which will blow up the Raptors' nesting grounds - suffice to say, you end up fleeing from a wall of fire toward the end of that level. At another, you end up standing (standing!) on the back of a speeding jeep as an invincible T. rex gives chase and enemy soldiers hanging from vines shoot at you from above. Make no mistake; whoever designed this game was a lunatic!

chaos continues rex jeep chase

You know you have a sweet ride when everyone you encounter tries to shoot you in the back or go all out and eat you.

One odd quirk that The Chaos Continues has which sets it apart from the many side-scrolling 'run and gun' games out there, is the 'Stock Level' system. The idea is that you have two types of ammunition; lethal and non-lethal. The rationale behind this is that killing certain species of dinosaur is off limits, but you can murder humans all you like. When you stop to think about it, the 'bad guys' weren't doing anything all that wrong - it's not like they were gathering up dinosaurs to try and take over the world or anything like that, so the whole system doesn't feel particularly moral. If you do end up killing too many precious dinosaurs in a single level, you fail the mission and have to start again. Bear in mind though, that how the Stock Level system work is not explained anywhere in the game itself (just the manual), so chances are most players fell afoul of it a few times without knowing what the heck was happening.

Once you figure out how to not enrage the Stock Level system, The Chaos Continues is a fun enough game to play, especially in co-op as you and your buddy battle your way through Jurassic Park. There's a nice variety of enemies to battle your way past including a never-ending supply of raptors and a smattering of spitting Dilophosaurus. The weapon selection lacks variety though, with a total of six weapons to cycle through, two of which are virtually identical (one machine gun fires lethal rounds, the other, non-lethal). This is a bit of a letdown, given how out there the rest of the game is - a few inventive weapons would have helped to spice things up a bit more.

jurassic chaos continues jungle level

"Remember, if something tries to eat you... Run!"

The game's graphics fairly colourful, if a little lacking in detail at times. The dinosaur character models do have an almost hand-drawn vibe to them, which is quite nice. There's also a slick animated intro video at the very start, a rarity among cartridge-based games, let alone the Super Nintendo! The sound design feels authentic, with your trademark Jurassic Park dinosaur roars, hoots and shrieks all present where they should be, while the game's musical score gives you a pleasurable soundtrack to play along to - it's not bad to listen to on its own either.

While Jurassic Park 2: The Chaos Continues never threatened to reinvent the 'run and gun' genre, even to this day it remains an enjoyable, if fairly brief (you can beat it in about an hour if you know what you're doing), romp, especially in 2 player mode. While much better 'run and gun' games came before and after it, the Jurassic Park branding should be enough to garner a curiosity play from fans who want to explore the strange history of JP video games.

Here's that soundtrack we were talking about:

By Sean Markey

Sean is Geek Ireland's resident dinosaur enthusiast, having been fascinated by prehistory since a time before he could read, speak or stand in an upright position (he still struggles to do at least one of these things on a daily basis).
Known as one of the biggest dinosaur fans Ireland has ever produced, Sean has delivered talks on his favourite subject at many venues and events including the Irish Film Institute, the UCD Science Expression Festival, Tayto Park, Dublin Comic Con and even London's Comedy Store.

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